Is Alumni Service Corps for me?
Women and men who graduated from a Jesuit middle school, high school and/or a Jesuit university are eligible to apply. The
Service Corps is looking for men and women with a desire to give back in gratitude for their Jesuit education. We want volunteers who e
embody the highest ideals of Jesuit education for students at Jesuit schools today. Women and men who continue to grow in the aspirations of Th
e Profile of the Graduate at Graduation are encouraged to apply.
What would I do?
Service Corps volunteers serve the school in a variety of ways based on the school’s need and the skills of the selected volunteers. Some opportunities are listed below:
Are some majors preferred to others?
All majors are encouraged to apply. The needs of the schools vary and many opportunities exist. We are committed to placing candidates in positions where they can be successful. We look at candidates’ overall academic performance in college, and their accomplishment in major and minor areas in particular, more so than the major itself.
Is there an age limit for the Alumni Service Corps?
Most volunteers are either right out of college or in their mid-20s. We will not accept candidates who are older than 27 years of age by July 31 of the year of service.
Will I need my car?
No. The community house is on the Gonzaga Prep campus and the stipend can be used for transportation. If you bring your own car, you will need to provide your own insurance.
When does the Service Corps year begin and end?
The year begins formally with Summer Orientation in mid August, but communication between the incoming volunteers and their school happen throughout the spring semester preceding orientation. The year ends with the conclusion of the academic year, completion of all responsibilities for the school, and the final retreat in mid/late June.
What is the timeline for applications?
The first round of applicant review begins in early February. Volunteer positions will be filled as qualified applicants apply. It is best to apply earlier rather than later.
Do I need to interview in person?
We would prefer to interview you in person, but we understand that may not be possible for a number of reasons. If this is the case, we could conduct the interview via Skype or Zoom.
What if I do not have Education classes?
We have great esteem for the field of education and for people who immerse themselves in the best thinking available to make good teaching a reality. Most volunteers have not had education classes and very few are certified. There are many qualities that make an applicant qualified. With or without academic training in education, we are looking for men and women who have the potential to be successful in the classroom.
Are all Service Corps volunteers practicing Catholics?
While volunteers do not have to be Catholic, they must have a desire to commit to the spiritual dimension of the year of service. Service Corps volunteers possess a desire to grow spiritually, an openness to learn and be challenged, and an appreciation for the Jesuits and lay colleagues who accompany them in this journey of faith and service.
Can I defer my student loans?
The answer is almost always ‘yes’. Federal loans, e.g. Stafford, require some simple paperwork to defer. As long as you didn’t make too much money for the tax year it shouldn’t be a problem. If your loans are through a private lender you will need to contact the lender directly. We recommend you do this sooner rather than later.
Can I serve in Alumni Service Corps if I am married?
Sadly, no. But, congratulations on getting married! We have found that volunteers who are engaged do a fine job with their teaching load, but are often less available to engage in the life of the volunteer community. If you are moving toward getting engaged in the next year, then Alumni Service Corps may not be for you. However, many Volunteers enter the year in committed relationships.
I have a relative that is getting married, celebrating a major anniversary, etc. Will I be allowed to attend this event?
Alumni Service Corps volunteers are treated as faculty in their schools. Under normal circumstances major life events can be accommodated with advance notice and conversation with school administration.
Does Alumni Service Corps provide health insurance?
Volunteers will qualify for a health insurance plan with Gonzaga Preparatory School. Additionally, all volunteers earn a very competitive (approx. $800/month) monthly stipend.
Where will volunteers live?
Gonzaga Prep has a fully furnished house adjacent to our campus. Furniture, kitchen appliances, utilities, and internet access are provided. Volunteers should pack what is needed for the year and are discouraged from renting moving vans. A few large bags should be enough.
Is Gonzaga Prep the only Jesuit high school that has an Alumni Service Corps program?
The national program was founded by the Missouri Province in 1991. Shortly thereafter some Jesuit high schools began similar programs with their own alumni coming back to their high school for a year of service. Gonzaga Prep is not part of the national program in terms of volunteer placement, although we do share in mission and objectives. ASC connects six participating schools in Denver, Kansas City and St. Louis. It maintains close ties to the Jesuits, and it has a strong Ignatian formation component.
What holidays are provided? What travel is included?
Volunteers follow the school holiday schedule. Travel expenses are not included.
Are Alumni Service Corps Volunteers hired by their schools after the year of service?
What happens after ASC? The program is a year of service and not necessarily a stepping stone to a job at Gonzaga Prep. ASC alumni have found success in a wide variety of careers. While some are faculty members and administrators in Jesuit or other Catholic schools, many serve in public school districts across the country. Others have pursued careers in law, medicine, academics, the arts, finance, religious life, business, engineering, and more. Women and men from a broad spectrum of backgrounds are drawn to the program, and after ASC they go on to have wildly interesting and successful careers.