Gonzaga Preparatory School

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Honors/A.P. Overview

Honors/A.P. English Overview

What Is Honors/A.P. English at Gonzaga Prep?

Gonzaga Preparatory School’s Honors/A.P. (Advanced Placement) English program is a rigorous curriculum in which students live and breathe literature daily via classical and contemporary readings, frequent and challenging writing activities, critical and abstract thinking, and lively and thoughtful participation.

Additionally, Honors /A.P. classes at Gonzaga Prep are exclusive. Whereas many schools have open enrollment for their advanced English courses, our students must meet strict criteria in order to be admitted. Not only does this standard allow the advanced classes to cover more rigorous materials than even a typical Honors or A.P. class in Spokane, but it also creates a rich environment for students who heartily enjoy literature and writing and desire to explore the English curriculum on a deeper level.  To maintain this high-level of education, we offer only two sections of Honors or A.P. English for each grade level.

Is Honors/A.P. English Right for You?

Before signing up for Honors/A.P. English, you must consider the following:

  • Do you enjoy reading, and do you read for pleasure?
  • Do you participate regularly and constructively in class discussions?
  • Do you have a solid grammar and writing background?
  • Are you willing to risk receiving a lower grade by taking an honors-level class?
  • Are you known for being a hard worker who consistently completes homework assignments on time?
  • Can you budget time well to allow for the increased demand of an honors class?
  • Can you handle the higher stress level that sometimes accompanies the additional expectations and rigor of an honors-level course?

If you answered “no” to any of the preceding questions, you may want to reconsider applying for Honors/A.P. English.