Gonzaga Preparatory School

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Parenting in the Digital Age

Gonzaga Prep became a 1:1 computing school to educate students, parents, and teachers on the use and place of technology in our lives.
Common Sense Media provides excellent resources to help better understand the issues associated with technology. Here is a list of helpful resource links (some links are being updated on the Common Sense Media website. We will get the new links up as quickly as possible):
Here are other resources:

Digital Citizenship:
Digital citizenship consists of self-monitored behaviors, attitudes and actions that positively shape and impact digital content and communities. These habits include everything from proper online etiquette to the appropriate use of technology to maintaining privacy in the digital world. As members of the Gonzaga Prep High School community, students are expected to consistently demonstrate these behaviors and values on and off-campus. The expectations listed below represent the fundamentals necessary for individuals to maintain a good standing in the digital community and the school. While technology is constantly in a state of change, the standards governing proper behavior do not vary so the administration retains the right to make the final determination concerning all behavioral issues related to technology. For more specific details, please see the Gonzaga Prep Technology Acceptable Use Policy.
  1. Rights and Responsibilities. Involvement in the digital community comes with rights and responsibilities. Students have the right to seek, receive and impart information and ideas but also take the responsibility to do so in a manner that is consistent with any class rule, school policy, state or federal regulation or expectation set in this contract. Students are asked to report any misuse of the school systems to the appropriate member of the administration, faculty or staff. These misuses may come in many forms but are commonly viewed as any message(s) sent or received that indicates or suggests pornography, unethical or illegal solicitation, racism, sexism, inappropriate language and other issues described below. The inability to adhere to these expectations will result in loss of technology privileges and students in violation will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion.
  2. Privacy and Security. Students have a right to privacy and to maintain the security of personal information in the digital community. This process begins by individuals controlling what personal information they share through the local network and Internet. Students must also be responsible for what information they share about others and need to request permission before posting any information about someone else. In order to help preserve this right, neither still photography nor video capturing is allowed on campus unless directed by a member of a faculty member to meet an educational goal or approved by an authorized member of the administration, faculty or staff. Both behavioral and legal action may be taken against individuals not respecting these rights.
  3. Ethics and Morality. Much like the morals, ethics and values which influence our conduct within society, students must use these same standards when participating in the digital community. Issues such as digital harassment (also called “cyberbullying”), music sharing or “pirating,” pornography, and gambling have greatly increased of the past few years so students must be aware of these and other ethical dilemmas encompassing our daily lives. Ultimately, students are expected to maintain the highest standards of conduct and decorum regardless if the student in class, at home or online. If a conflict arises concerning the interpretation of the ethics of digital use, the administration reserves the right to make a final determination.”
  4. Access. Students are given access to multiple computer systems and websites on campus in order to encourage the use of technology in support of educational goals and/or research. Anyone who uses computers (including laptops, iPads, phones, or other mobile devices) or computer services on campus must understand and comply with school policies and regulations. While digital commerce is an important part of our digital society, school computers may never be used for commercial purposes to include offering, providing or purchasing goods or services for personal use. The use of any computer, mobile device, network, wireless and Internet service on the campus is a privilege which may be restricted or revoked if not used responsibly.
  5. Creative Credit and Copyright. Students have the right to protect their own creative works also the responsibility to use other people’s creative works in a fair and legal manner. Academic integrity is at the core of this school’s values so failure to appropriately cite ideas or work other than your own will result in adverse academic and behavioral action.
  6. Communication. Mediums of communication, such as text messaging, social networking, and instant messaging, have expanded dramatically over the past decade. Students are encouraged to responsibly use these forums to enhance their academic experience with faculty and other students. When using these systems, especially the school email system, students must meet the expectations established in the Technology Acceptable Use Policy in the Student Handbook. Misuse of any of these systems may result in the loss of technology privileges and students in violation will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion.
  7. Digital Identity. Nearly everything an individual posts, writes and accesses on the Internet is saved and establishes an identity within the digital community. Much like a personal reputation, this online identity communicates many characteristics which may negatively affect your personal, professional and educational careers. As a representative of Gonzaga Prep, students must be diligent in maintaining a positive online identity knowing that actions contrary to the rules and policies of the school are subject to disciplinary action.
This document was developed in collaboration with other Jesuit schools. Special thanks to Jesuit High, Sacramento, who was a lead contributor to this document.