Gonzaga Preparatory School

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Senior Magis Retreat

The Magis Retreat
Magis is modeled on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits. It is designed to invite seniors into a deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It calls the senior to openness to growth, personal prayer, silent reflection and community with her/his classmates. The format includes meditations/talks, silent prayer periods and small group sharing. In addition, there is plenty of free time for walks, relaxation, recreation, reading and individual prayer.
This retreat is exclusively for members of the senior class. It is not a repeat of the junior Search; it takes Search much deeper spiritually and prayerfully. It challenges the senior to take a look at their spirituality as it is now and may be in the future.
The decision to register for this retreat is a serious one and should not be taken lightly. Those not willing to reflect on their relationship with God and be open to deepening it in a communal setting should not register. There are a variety of other retreats available, called Ignatian Days, which take place during the school days on campus.